Other Issues
Children with spina bifida often have other medical conditions secondary to their neural tube defect, which may or may not present themselves in any one individual. They include hydrocephalus, Chiari II Malformation, tethered spinal cord, bladder and bowel complications, and orthopedic problems including spinal curvatures, hip dislocation, or club feet. Children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus may also face learning challenges and are prone to obesity. Individuals with shunted hydrocephalus and their caregivers need to learn the signs and symptoms of shunt malfunction. Although a shunt is designed to stay in place for life, it may malfunction due to a blockage, kinking or problem with the valve. If this happens, the shunt will need to be surgically revised or replaced.
Symptoms of Shunt Malfunction*:
fontanelle is full and bulging when baby is upright and quiet
marked scalp veins
swelling or redness along the shunt tract
unusual irritability
unusual tiredness
downward deviation of the eyes (sunset sign)
seizures (abnormal twitching)
gradual head enlargement
unusual irritability
swelling or redness along the shunt tract
loss of previous abilities
seizures (abnormal twitching)
unusual tiredness
gradual head enlargement
nausea or vomiting
unusual tiredness
unusual irritability
arching of head backwards
difficulty with vision
personality change
loss of coordination or balance
swelling or redness along the shunt tract (infrequent)
difficulty in walking
seizures (abnormal twitching)
decline in school or work activities
*from Understanding Spina Bifida, Bloorview MacMillan Centre 1998