Funding and Forms
SBHASA Funding Support Details
The Support Fund is designed to assist persons with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus with the cost of specialized leisure and recreational equipment, medical equipment, services such as specialized lessons or camps and emergency personal expenses directly resulting from the fact that the person has spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus.
This fund will only consider the portion of expenses not reimbursed to you by Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL), Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), private/public medical insurance, Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), or any other government a/or disability programs.
The support fund only covers expenses which are required because the applicant has spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and requests outside of this nature will not be considered.
The Applicant must be a member in good standing of the SBHASA. (Membership fee must have been paid by January 31st).
A resident of Southern Alberta.
The Applicant should have a minimum of 6-8 volunteer hours with the association per year, where possible. Family or friends who volunteer on the members behalf contribute towards the member’s minimum requirement. *Some exceptions may apply with Board approval.
A Funding Program Application Form must be completed and signed by the Applicant or Guardian. A description of the item and the original receipt(s) must be provided to the association for their records.
The maximum allowable amount is up to $2,500.00 per member per calendar year (Jan to Dec).
The program funds available may be adjusted by SBHASA if necessary, without notice.
The SBHASA Board reserves the right to require additional information relating
to the funding request, including but not limited to a certificate from a doctor or relevant medical
professional confirming a member’s diagnosis or the necessity of the request and a member’s special needs.
The Fund Supports These Types of Expenses:
Personal Health / Medical Supplies / Equipment
General / Medical needs - Expenses for equipment or services, which are necessities or make life more pleasant, and would not be required if the person did not have spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus. * Only equipment and services purchased after the member has joined the SBHASA are covered.
Items that improve the quality of life for individuals with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus will be considered.
Items required for bowel and bladder care that are not covered by AADL, private insurance or FSCD (such as catheters, lubricant, vinyl gloves, suppositories, and enemas: diapers and wet wipes will only be covered for applicants over the age of three). Applicant's portion of AADL, private insurance or FSCD for bowel and bladder supplies may be submitted.
Any outsourced respite not covered by FSCD or PDD (receipt required).
Emergency personal expenses such as travel expenses from out of town when a person with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus is hospitalized. This would also cover the rental of specialized equipment due to an emergency (e.g. special wheelchair, ramp, etc.)
Housekeeping Services may be utilized to improve the qualify of life for individuals with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus and to assist with maintaining safety around the member’s home. Reimbursement will be based on a maximum of 24 hrs per calendar year at a rate of $25 per hour. The receipt must contain the provider’s name, address, phone #, and confirmation of payment. We will not pay the provider directly. Moving costs are not covered by SBHASA.
Recreational / Physical Activity
Any program or activity that promotes participation, health, and/or well-being.
Registration fees for Camp Freedom, supporting any individual with spina bifida / hydrocephalus.
Modified recreational equipment, such as hand-pedaled bicycles.
Programs that are already funded by SBHASA are not included.
Any program costs such as tuition, textbooks, or tutoring fees.
Educational accessories, such as electronic organizers, educational computer programs or teaching aids (recreational use excluded).
Computer (hardware) purchase or repair held to a maximum of $1,000.00 every 3 years. This is calculated from actual purchase date to purchase date. (Example: If a computer purchase date is June 1/2024, the next eligible date would be June 1/2027). **Recreational use excluded, please provide details of education or employment requirements.
Applications will be reviewed by member(s) of the SBHASA Executive Committee and notification of their decision will be made to the Applicant.
Program funding cannot exceed the yearly budget amount. If requests surpass the budgeted amount, the Executive Committee shall at that time review the Funding Program and, if there are funds available, may implement changes.
Funds may be advanced for emergency expenses at the discretion of the SBHASA.
Members should shop around for the best deal just as they would for their own purchases.
Members are not to request funding support from SBHASA if they have also applied for support from any other disability group (example: Easter Seals, AISH, ASLI, AHC, Adaptive Sports Associations, Accessible Housing Society etc.).
Members who receive equipment that is substantially paid for by the SBHASA are asked to consider recycling used equipment so other members can benefit.
Members may apply more than once to the support fund within each fiscal year, the total submissions not to exceed the yearly maximum.
The name on each Funding Request will be revealed to the board but will remain confidential and not be included in the minutes.
The SBHASA does not endorse products or services and is not to be held liable for any personal or property damage caused by the product or service funded (neither is the SBHASA responsible for repairs to the product).
Members claiming under this fund are strongly encouraged to make a commitment of volunteer time to support the SBHASA where possible. We ask that each member should plan to volunteer 6-8 hours per calendar year. Family or friends who volunteer on the members behalf contribute towards the member’s minimum requirement. This includes activities such as helping to spread awareness of fundraising activities on individual social media outlets.
Last Revised: March 2024